I found out two days ago that I will be leaving for Recruit Training in less than THIRTY DAYS. I am beyond excited.  I can’t even really comprehend that I will be gone to Parris Island, becoming a Marine.  On one hand, I can’t wait, obviously.  On the other hand, I’m having a huge “oh shit” moment about working out and eating right and mentally preparing myself.  I know I’ll be ready; the question is how ready.

Essentially, my plan physically for the next month is to run a semblance of an IST every day. An IST is an Initial Strength Test, and it’s administered to all recruits within the first few days of Receiving on the Island.  It consists of sit-ups, pull-ups (flexed-arm hang for females), and a 1.5 mile run.  My biggest issue is nerves, so I figure by running through it every day I’ll lose the stage fright and it’ll become second nature.

Other than that, I’m studying knowledge (rank structure, General Orders, basic USMC-type info they give us in a little book).  I’m writing myself letters that my sister has promised to send me throughout the process.  I know other people will send me letters, but there’s something kind of, I don’t know, more motivating (?) about sending yourself letters.  You know where you are and you know what you need to push you, and so you’re not going to bullshit yourself.  I’m writing one for every week I’m there, and she’s bringing me one for me to open on graduation (dramatic, I know), so I feel like it’ll be pretty cool.

I don’t know what this means for the blog.  I guess I’ll either keel one way or the other, write a ton before I leave, or forget about it altogether.  As for after…well, we’ll see.  The funny thing is, after three months of no blogging at all, I wonder where I’ll be mentally. I may be like a totally new person; I mean, that is the plan, after all.

Stay tuned, and hopefully this thing’ll play itself out.